Head towards the Algarve

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Road to Algarve from Huelva

There are 2 ways to get from Huelva to the Algarve, by bus or car. Given its closeness, any transport is just as valid, although the ideal is to take a tour of its towns. The best way to get around each city and what is most comfortable is to take the car, since there is usually not too much traffic.

The distance between Huelva and The Algarve is 85 km. The road distance is 167.6 km.

We will take between 1 Y 3 hours depending on the transport we use.

THE BEST WAY to go from Huelva to El Algarve is by BUS which takes between 2.30h and 3.00h and costs between 16 € – 30€ the journey with ALSA. It will take us to Faro.

For more information: https://www.alsa.es/ruta/huelva-faro

Other alternatives

If, on the contrary, we want to travel by car, from Huelva to Faro we can take the following direction:

Huelva capital - Faro: How to get

Aracena - Faro: How to get

Get to Faro from your location: How to get

Route through the towns of the Algarve coast from Huelva Capital: How to get

Route through the villages of the Algarve coast from Aracena: How to get

Road to Algarve from another point

To get to the Algarve from anywhere in Spain, the best option is still the car or the bus, since there are few options by train and most of them all go to Lisbon, so we should transfer.

To get to the Algarve by car from anywhere in Spain (Faro), pulse here.

We can check the bus trip on the following Alsa website: https://www.alsa.es/destinos-rutas

Faro airport

The nearest airport is in Faro. The journey from the airport to the District of Faro is only 15 min. it's car.

Faro airport – Faro: HOW TO GET

From Spain there are currently few direct flights due to its proximity but we can fly with a stopover from Barcelona, Alicante, Mallorca, Seville among others.